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Friday, August 21, 2009

Romance Jewelry

This romantice wire wrapped choker was made with non-tarnish gunmetal wire, vintage buttons and charms. The chain and clasp were all handmade by moi !!!


lunedreams said...

I LOVE this! Wow, kind of Victorian funk. I love chokers with a long pendant on them. Love what you did with the buttons! I haven't developed the engineering skills to figure out how to use a button in a piece of jewelry yet. One day...

Esther said...

"handmade by moi" ?? joella?? are you speaking in french?? LOL!! very cute romantic!! the wirework est extra!! j'adore tes boutons!! bravo !!

Joella said...

Lilibulle...I can understand some french when I'm reading it but can't speak it all that well:) My father is french and my son and daughter both were in french emmersion in school. I'm glad you adore the buttons... me too:) I love your wire work and style as well! Thanks for coming by for a visit!!!!

parTea lady said...

That is a very attractive choker. I really like the style and color and the charms with their sparkle. Nice!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Joella, your neckace is gorgeous!! Wonderful job! Sometimes we just have to treat ourselves, don't we?

have a great day,

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

This is beautiful! Jewelry making is on my "to learn" list...eventually.

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