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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mother Earth Necklaces

22" necklace has a OneArtsyChick hammered metal pendant with semi precious stone and a glass bead charm.  The necklace is made from braided black cording with beads and a black vintage button loop closure.

18" rustic choker has a brass hoop adorned with a red river rock and two shells.  It is attached with black, linen, and brown cording and a brown vintage button loop closure.

22" necklace is simple but sophisticated.  The focal piece is a gunmetal hoop, adorned with a grey tumbled river rock, wrapped in non-tarnish gunmetal jewelry wire.  It hangs from brown and black cording, with a brown vintage button and loop closure.


Diane said...

Your jewelry is beautiful--so unique--will these be in your gift shop? I couldn't find them there.

Joella said...

Thanks Diane :) They will be in my new facebook storefront soon. I've been having some trouble posting pics to it but I'm sure it will be fixed soon. If there is something you like let me know, and we can work something out!