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Monday, January 24, 2011

Girlfriend Gratitude Birthday Hat

L is for Lisa

I love making my friends feel special on their birthdays.  Making this pretty little number, was my way of expressing a little "girlfriend gratitude".  Sure, I could have saved time (3 hours to be exact) by taking a trip downtown and buying her a factory made hat.  The truth is, I was more than happy to take the time and make the effort to make something special for her, a gift that could only come from me. 

The perfect opportunity to send out a special birthday wish just for always be surrounded by good friends!

And the second part to that wish is "Abundance and Love"!

 Me and a few of my closest girlyfriends...can you guess which one is Lisa?  A little birdie told me she wore her fancy party hat to the office that day!  I'm so thankful i was able to give her a little special sparkle on her day!     


Diane said...

NOw this is so fun!!

CindyLew said...

That is toooo cute. It looks like you had a great time. How fun is that!!!!!! I couldn't remember if I clicked the follow your blog once I got mine up last week or not, so I just did it. Warm Regards, CindyLew

Joella said...

thanks ladies...i really did have a blast making this. it's easy to get lost in projects like these:) i hope to do more!