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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Two in One Choker

One of my handmade pottery clay pendants. These pendants are unfinished on the back so I thought why not add a little something to make this necklace reversable. "Two In One"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Imperfection is Perfection

This bracelet is so imperfect it's perfect. Made from non-tarnish gunmetal wire and some pretty glass beads. SOLD

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mod Podge Card Tin

When I started playing Rumoli with the girls once a month we all started out using boring old plastic containers for our nickels.  One night I challenged all the girls to make up some creative little containers for their winnings.  This is what I came up with, a tea tin covered in a vintage music sheet with decorative paper sayings mod podged to it.

If you want to see more of my mod podge art pieces go to Paintings listed under Labels.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Buttons n' Things

I've mixed it up a bit here adding pieces made from gunmetal and swirls of wire to these vintage buttons. I love how a couple of these rings scream vintage. Fun!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Darling Ribbons n' Things Jewelry Pieces

Darling don't be need to have one of these romantic pieces to wear around your pretty neck.

Love how the sheer wire ribbon softens this pretty little choker. SOLD

Mix it up a little with the ribbon, brass and bead bracelet! SOLD
This little pottery pendant and soft elegant ribbon put together screams originality! SOLD

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

One for You and One for Me!

A friend of mine just had a birthday and I wanted to surprise her with one of my handmade bracelets.  She has everything a girl could want so I thought I would give her something from the heart.   
This one I made for myself...thought I would treat myself to a gift from myself. 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Love to Dream Bracelet

Love to Dream two in one bracelet. The band of this bracelet is made from purple fleece with antique brass findings. I've added a button for a bit of flare and one of my handmade clay pendants with the words "Love to Dream" Mod Podged on the back...oh and I almost forgot to mention the blue/green clay bead was made by moi as well.