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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Necklace For Princess Di

My girlfriend Dianne (we call her Princess Di) is a very special lady and it's her birthday today.  This romantice choker was my gift to her.  When designing this piece I knew it had to be as classy and beautiful as she.   Happy Birthday Di:) 

Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Season is Fast Approaching at The Nake North Gallery

This is a super long necklace made with the prettiest shades of green glass beads, gunmetal beads and non-tarnish gunmetal wire. SOLD

Blue and silver always look great together...couldn't resist adding this pretty silver heart pendant to make it that much more special! SOLD

 This long and chunky necklace was made by using wire wrapping techniques paired up with glass and shell beads. SOLD

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rustic Blue (SOLD)

This is my second piece made using this rustic style.  I like how the blue and dark brown wire compliment each other.  I've also added a few silver links to give it an unexpected flare.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rustic Wire Wrapped Necklace (SOLD)

I placed an order the other day for some new bead n'such as my supply is beginning to run low.    This little pretty was inspired by the need to use what supplies I had on hand and to think outside of the box.  I've put together some small and large glass bead, vintage buttons, copper rounds and dark brown wire wrapped this way and that.  I think this has to be one of my favorite pieces! 

A little Silver Eye Candy!

This choker is made from non-tarnish white silver wire, glass beads, silver links, and my very own handmade pottery pieces and whimsical little owl pendant!

As you can tell I've been working in silvers this week.  In this necklace I've paired together glass beads, a button, some silver pieces and one of my pottery pendants! SOLD

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jewelry Fit for a Queen

This side of the pendant says "The Queen" SOLD

flip it over and you have two in one!

I've paired up black vintage buttons with rich turquoise pearls on black cord.