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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hand-tied Button Fringe Scarf

I made this soft, hand-tied scarf with multipal shades & textures throughout. I've attached a few buttons here and there to add some interest. It is a fun and lovely homage to the outdoors at about 5 feet long. This scarf is gorgeous without being suffocating and is the perfect length to dangle down to the waist like a rock star or bundle around the neck to really set off facial features. 

These scarves make perfect gifts for those special ladies in your life!  If you're interested in placing an order please email me and I'll have it ready for you within two days:) 

Friday, December 11, 2009

Long Green Purple Mixed Media Necklace

I've mixed it up a bit with splashes of purple, a little fiber, some wire and beads.  These have been really popular this Christmas season.  This purple pretty will be at Suzanne's Boutique!!! 031000140

Monday, December 7, 2009

OneARTSYChick Mixed Media Jewelry

My Jewelry is one of a kind and uniquely designed with my own free form style. It's a fusion of fiber, clay, glass, and metal with an emphasis on incorporating natural and recycled materials. This is my contribution to nature while at the same time supporting the "Green Movement".

Vintage buttons, fiber wire wrapped beads grouped with wood, pearl, clay and glass beads. SOLD

Green, brown, and beige fibers with wire, pearl, and shell beads SOLD

Soft blue, coffee brown, and orange fibers wrapped in gunmetal wire with pearls and copper seed beads. SOLD

Saturday, December 5, 2009

OneARTSYChick @ Suzanne's Boutique

Antique Brass Button n' Bead Necklace

Gunmetal handmade chain with charms and beads

Long Gold Beaded Necklace

Gunmetal Wire Wrapped Bead and Pearl Necklace