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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Button Beaded Cuff Bracelet

love these cuffs - love to wear one-of-a-kind! Embroidered with beads, pearls and buttons. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Flying Lessons E-Course by Kelly Rae

I've been waiting forever and a day for this course to finally arrive!   When I found out Flying Lessons by Kelly Rae Roberts was a GO I could hardly contain myself.  I can't think of a better Mother's Day Gift for myself!!! :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

More Fun n' Flirty Necklaces

Some of these pretties will be delivered to Keric Funk in Kenora, ON and others will be for sale at the Naked North in Dryden, ON.  I loved working with the bright colours, not only were they fun to create they are super fun to wear. 

Long purple, green and blue necklace made with beads, vintage buttons and knotted silk embroidery thread.

Long lime green and turquoise necklace made with beads, vintage buttons, knotted silk embroidery thread and one of my handmade organza flowers. oh la la!

Long pink, lime green and purple necklace made with beads, vintage buttons and knotted  silk embroidery thread.

                           The GRAND Finale!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fun and Flirty Jewelry

Bring in the summer with my fun and flirty jewelry.  This extra long neclace has splashes of lime green and orange.  Made with beads, buttons and knotted embroidery floss.

This choker is a little more elegant but could paired with a crisp white blouse and jeans!  Love!!

Another fun piece made with grape and lime green beads, buttons and embroidery floss.  Yummy!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Earth Day Jewelry Designs

OneARTSYchicK elegant antique gold choker, made using recycled records, antique gold paint, non-tarnish gunmetal wire and beads. 

Long necklace made with vintage buttons and knotted linen embroidery floss. 

My OneARTSYchicK recyled vinyl record cuff bracelet. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Super Glam Girl Collage 2010

A few weeks ago I made a mixed media collage for a friend of mine who turned 40!!!  She loved it so much she asked me to do one for her daughters birthday this month.  What a great gift idea for a girl...after all don't all girls just wanna have fun?

Self Portrait Mixed Media Collage 2010

I've never done a self portrait of myself before but because I'm going to be teaching a workshop on self portrait mixed media collage, I felt it was important to have something inspiring to share with my students.

In doing this it gave me the opportunity to see beyond my outer layers, digging deep into the stuff I love about myself and the stuff I'm not so crazy about. It forced me look deep inside of who I am helping me seperate my dreams from the dreams of others.

I find as I get older I become more forgiving and compassionate with myself.  In saying that I am now able to see beyond my flaws and my outside appearance and explore my humanity at a deeper level.

Life has a way seasoning us like a wonderfully full bodied fine wine, we get better with age.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Mixed Media Workshop

Yesterday I put on my first mixed media workshop.  So many things were going through my head the night before...will I remember all the supplies, will my students like what they've made, will we complete everything in the three hour time frame?  Well I'm relieved to say that it went very well.  My students loved the experience and collaging so much, they have asked to come to my next workshop. We finished in three hours (surprisingly, as we took up so much of the time talking and laughing) and I remembered everything but one tube of black paint, which we made do without!

This was a great experience for myself as well.  I enjoyed the girl time and listening to the stories shared around the table. I will definitely be teaching another class in the very near future!  More details coming soon...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Go Green With My Vinyl Record Cuff Bracelets

The cuff bracelet has been sprinkled throughout the pages of fasion magazines and is 2010's biggest accessory. All of my nifty new cuff bracelets are made from upcycled vinyl records, hand painted and sealed.  I've even added some charms and beads to a few.   You can find these and more at both Keric Funk and Naked North Gallery and Gifts.