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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hopeless Romantic Necklace SOLD

Like a romantic novel, this lovely necklace is dreamy and plated chain and an antique style heart pendant with a single creamy white simulated pearl and hematite teardrop bead.  For the hopeless romantic.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Free DiamondEarrings.Org Promotion

I was contacted by Mary at asking whether it would be ok for her to send me a free pair of earrings and all she ask in return is to let all of my readers know about it. 

Well I got them in the mail today and I have to say, I love love love:)  If you want a free pair all you have to do is go to and see how you can get your free pair today!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fun Felt Bead Mixed Media Necklace

These Rolled Felt Bead necklaces are so fun. Each bead is made up of layers of felt in complimentary, or contrasting colours, and then rolled into beads. The felt beads are separated by faux marble beads. It is finished off with a cotton woven ribbon and button clasp. It is surprisingly light and will add a touch of colour to your outfit, whether it be for the office, a party or your weekend with friends. Can be purchases in my on-line studio store or Naked North Gallery and Gifts Price $35.00

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sweater Pins

These functional sculptures are each crafted and finished by hand.  Because each is truly a unique creation, no two pins are ever alike. Complimenting these beautiful pieces are gold handmade pins. They ensure the perfect function, form and fit of your distinctive piece and will add a little whimsy to your sweater, hat or scarve.  The perfect gift for that special someone who has everything.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Statement Cuff Bracelet

This is a prototype of a cuff bracelet I recently designed. The clay feux bronzed plates are my handmade creations with leather cording woven throughout. I've tied a loop at the end and tied a wooden bead at the other to fasten.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fall and Winter Wool Bangles

Perfect accessory for fall  and winter.  These colourful fuzzy wool wrapped bangles will look great paired with other bangles or a just by themselves. 

It's all about colour this year !
These are also part of my fall and winter collection but could be worn during the summer months as well !!!