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Sunday, November 28, 2010

GIVEAWAY...celebrating 388 fans and followers !!!

ENTER TO WIN this $25.00 Gift Certificate!

Leave a comment explaining why you would like to win this $25.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE!  Comments can be left on my One Artsy Chick Studio Facebook page!/pages/One-Artsy-Chick-Studio/119946684714951 or here on my blog.  I will announce the winner on Friday, December 3rd!  Good luck my lovelies :)

This Giveaway is only open to fans and followers of my One Artsy Chick Studio!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Three Pretty One Artsy Chick Neclaces

Jolie Fleur (Pretty Flower)  Necklace

Beaux Pétales (Beautiful Petals) Necklace (SOLD)

                                 Coeur Romantique (Romantic Heart) Necklace

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nine Oh So Pretty Necklaces

La Fleur Romance Necklace (SOLD)

The Purple Haze Diamond Heart (SOLD)

 Snow and Ice Diamond Heart Necklace (SOLD)

Romance Heart and Pearls Charm Necklace

Industrial Chic Necklace

Silver n' Pearls Necklace

Flower in Diamonds and Pearls

Elegance in Silver

Industrial Chic N0. 2 (SOLD)

Long n' Lovely Necklace

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Art, Heart and Healing Assignment 2 Part 2

Like many girls I felt left out at times, like I somehow just didn't belong. I had plenty of friends but I was not the queen bee and this sometimes got in the way of forming true friends.  Not because I didn't want to but because as children we are often swayed or manipulated into doing hurtful things to those we consider friends in fear of being targeted ourselves.  All too often I was the one being targeted and the circle of friends I had come to trust turned their backs on me, knowing where they stood on the social ladder.  This is where this assignment comes in... I was asked to look back on my childhood and find a situation we wish

 we could change or make different.

 Because of where I stood on the social ladder I never really felt like I had a BEST friend, I had plenty of good friends but not the kind I could trust would stick by me no matter what.  This is the one thing as I child I wished for and the reason why I chose to paint this childhood dream. 

"The circle of true friendship is never ending"

The girl in the middle represents ME with the two BEST friends I dreamed of having as a child !!

Today I have an abundance of good people in my life who I consider great friends, all with different attributes and personalities. Each of them touching my life in different ways, ways that no one person could ever fulfill and I am thankful for all of them.

I really enjoyed doing this assignment.  Some of the old insecurities and feelings of sadness came rushing back, but with this came a greater understanding of why I never really had a "one true" Best Friend.  It wasn't because I wasn't worthy or good enough, it's something much more complex than that, something I'll save for another blog entry.  I would like to share one more thing with you before you go, we are all our own best friends and we should accept that gift from ourselves and hold it close to our hearts... I do :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Art, Heart and Healing Assignment 2

In this week's assignment, our instructor Tam, has us altering a children's (hard page) story book.  She asked us to find a single picture of ourselves under the age of  3.  "Thanks mom for taking the time to find this little beauty" :)  Next we were to reflect back on our childhood and reinvent them by writing down what we wished  for ourselves as young children.

Having a Big family with three brothers and an older sister, sometimes meant sharing mom and dad's attention.  Although I had a happy childhood and wouldn't trade those times for anything, I do remember sometimes feeling invisible, many times thinking of ways to standout from my siblings.  I suppose this was the beginning of  my creative expression as an artist...i remember drawing pictures as a child and sharing them with my parents, hearing their loving words always filled me with such pride.  I guess some things never change!