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Friday, March 18, 2011

Silver n' Turquoise Necklace

Silver and turquoise necklace with engraved floral charm, charm  reads 'Passion' on reverse.

To purchase this piece please visit my One Artsy Chick storefront @     ttp://!/OneArtsyChick

5 Pretty Yoga Bracelets

Silver pink and purple yoga bracelet with charm, charm says 'Dream' on reverse. (7.5 inches) 

Pink and silver yoga bracelet with charm, charm says 'Passion' on reverse (7.5 inches).

Gold, turquoise blue and sea foam green yoga bracelet (7.5 inches).

Silver, pink and purple yoga bracelet with heart charm (7.5 inches).

Silver, blue and pink yoga bracelet with 'Journey' charm, charm has a floral engraving on back (7.5 inches).

To purchase these pieces, please visit my One Artsy Chick Storefront @!/OneArtsyChick 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Earthy Soulful Necklace (SOLD)

An earthy and soulful one-of-a-kind necklace featuring my handmade artisan clay beads. 

This necklace is adjustable and looks great alone or can be worn with other necklaces in varying lengths.  

 This piece can be purchased through my One Artsy Chick Facebook storefront or the Naked North Gallery and Gifts.