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Monday, May 16, 2011

Precious Stone Wrist Malas

Apple Green Magnasite Wrist Mala with Buddha Pendant
This mala is made of 18 10mm beads adorned with a pewter buddha pendant. 

It has a soothing vibration, and when used for meditation it will help you tune into the energy of your heart allowing your mind to respond to the desires of the heart. This will guide you to live your life in alignment with your hearts needs and aspirations. 
It is also a strong stone for creative visualization and imagination. Promotes positive attitude, relaxation, calmness; helps fearfulness and irritability.  Aids healing in the areas of the gall bladder, migraines, vascular, stomach, blood clots, magnesium deficiency and lowers cholesterol.

Natural Jade Wrist Mala with Love Pendant
This Mala is made of 21 8mm jade beads adorned with a round 'Love' pendant.

Jade in addition to it's special healing qualities attracts love, friendship and brings good luck, soothes the mind and releases negative thoughts.
Jade has healing qualities that will aid in the healing of stitches, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and is good for releasing toxins from the body.
Turquoise Quartz Wrist Mala with 'Hope' pendant.

Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It enhances creativity, spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom.  It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Quartz is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies, and is even helpful in romantic relationships.

Quartz is a Master Healer stone, and is known to be particularly effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, intestinal troubles. It also is said to improve mental and physical energy, stamina, and physical strength .

Monday, May 9, 2011

Handmade Meditation Journal

Finally, I got around to making myself a meditation journal this past weekend.  How did i do it?
Well, I started out by disassembling an old hardcover book and created personalized pages for the inside. After I was done my artsy cover, I then nailed holes through the front and back covers, as well as the inside pages.  I then lovingly stitched the entire thing together and very own Meditation Journal.

Mindfulness is being in the moment and having an awareness of where we have been (reflection) and where we are going (our goals). A meditation journal can help us with all of these areas of awareness, helping us to have a more unified awareness of ourselves.

 When we sit down after meditation and take a few minutes to journal about our experience, it gives us an idea about how effective our meditation that day was.

If we look at our experience, honestly and with a desire to learn, then we become much more aware of what our meditation practice is all about. Through journaling, we can become more aware of both our weaknesses and strengths, having a much better understanding of what we need to work on.


A journal also allows us to take a peek back at our experiences, and how they have changed over a period of time. We can review several days, weeks, or months uncovering the patterns our consciousness follows. Perhaps we’ll discover that we are trying too hard, or that we're putting blocks up in the way of our success.

Lastly, journaling can help us set goals.  Setting goals through meditation, can help us to develop a stronger sense of where we want to go, and how we're going to get there. Through looking back at our past experiences we can see what we need to work on to improve or what blocks need to be removed. Perhaps it’s forgiveness or patience that we need to develop. Perhaps it’s more persistence. Or more calmness. Whatever changes we want to make, having clear goals will help us realized our dreams. Our goals become a magnetic force, allowing us to travel through our experiences, in order to get where we truly want to be in life.

If you would like to order a personalized journal, please inbox me with details :) I promise you won't be disappointed.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hope in the City Fundraiser

Hope in the City Breast Cancer Fundraiser was a BIG success and an amazing night for all.
Myself and five friends, dolled ourselves up...don't we look smashing?

The experience in one word...BREATHTAKING.

I had so much fun making my purse.'s a bra!  Oh la la!!!

At the end of the night, each one of us received this beautiful and very yummy plate of goodness!!!

Next year...same time same place ?  I can only HOPE :)