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Friday, May 29, 2009

Coming back to the cottage!

I'ld forgotten~I do every spring~ how beautiful our coveside cottage is. I often wonder if I lived here year round would my eyes grow numb, my heart incensitive to all the beauties that surround us at our lakehouse?

It's the coming back each spring the renews the memories of last summer. When our red chevy turns onto Soapstone Point and I see the ripples on the water glistening like diamonds across the water, it's then that I realized I've been holding my breath and wondering will the magic be here again like summers past?

Coming back to the cottage is what I like to call a labour of love. It's love when you first turn into the gravel driveway and see the white squeaky screen door and the beautiful cedar trees surrounding our cottage. It's labour when you walk inside and realize the winter has dulled the wood surfaces and it's time to mob dust and clean windows. Not to mention strip all the beds and replace them with clean linens. Outside, the grass will need to be cut soon and the driftwood that has found it's way into our bay will find a new home piled up on the bank creating a buffer for the waters edge.
The joys always outweigh the labour and we will never grow tired of our little soapbox cottage on the lake!!!! Life's simple little pleasure... these are what I live for!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Hi, Jo,

I found you through Living My Life Outside The Box and thought I'd come over and say hi. Welcome to bloggy land. What a gorgeous place to call home every summer! I can't imagine how wonderful that must be. You are truly blessed.

Have a great day!