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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Saturday, May 30, 2009

These were definitely a labour of love! It took me and entire summer scavenging through yard sales to find the perfect combination of plates to create not one but six of these stepping stones! Although they turned out beautifully, I will never attempt this project again. It wasn't as easy as I had thought! I'm glad I tried my hand at these though, I've always admired other crafters stepping stones.
I painted this sign for our cottage!

Wanted to try something a little different...


Jodee said...

I love, love, love the stepping stones! We want to see the inside of your cute little cottage!

Victoria Hayden said...

I heard about you from Lisa and thought I would stop by for a visit. Such beautiful jewelry and art you design!! I am now a follower and am looking forward to knowing you better. I have only been in blog land since Febuary and I have found the more people I visit the more friendships and followers I have made. Thank you for sharing your talent! Would love to have you stop by my blog and see my great giveaway I am having! I design handbags, purses, aprons and pincushions. Up for grabs a very cute Whimsy Birdie Bag and a yummy cupcake pincushion! Looking forward to knowing you better!


Beverly said...

you have lovely jewelry and the stepping stone is beautiful!

Tracey said...

Found your blog through Lisa in Maine and thought I'd stop by. Love the stepping stones and how your created them. I'll be back, enjoy your monday!