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Friday, August 28, 2009

Summers Studio: Raising lentils

I've only just started making my own clay beads and when I came across this blog entry I fell in love with these these beautiful lentil beads made here by Summers Studio: Raising lentils. If you have an appreciation for handcrafted beads you should really check these out! I would love to try my hand at some of these pretties!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Romance Jewelry

This romantice wire wrapped choker was made with non-tarnish gunmetal wire, vintage buttons and charms. The chain and clasp were all handmade by moi !!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Vintage Refridgerator Art Magnets

Who says your refrigerator has to be boring? With my vintage button magnets and a little creativity, yours can become a subject of conversation for guests in your home! These are great gifts for teachers, college students or even just a little something to jazz up your kitchen!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

G'Saling Treasures

I was lucky enough to find these tools at a retired jewelry makers yard sale. Bought all of these for just 75 cents.
This handcrafted country shelf will find a new home in the Loo out at the cottage... 75 cents

When I spotted this baby I almost knocked a women over trying to get to it before it was snatched up. This will be perfect outside our bedroom window filled with bird seed...I can't think of anything better to wake up to in the morning than the birds singing and having their breakfast.5 dollars

These are fridge magnets ~ 250 words per pkg. The first thing I did after arriving home was create an inspirational saying and put it on my fridge. Food is not to feed the soul! EAT only when hunger strikes:) 50 cents

A sea grass basket to keep our mittens and toques organized this winter just 5 dollars.

Some pewter pendants for future jewelry projects just 50 cents~ a steal of a deal wouldn't you say?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday Mornin' G'Saling

When I heard the phone ringing this morning at 7:30 I must say I was rather relieved. The dream I was having was very disturbing and really quite stressful. My late kitty cat Harley Barley who passed away about four years ago, my husbands best friend and his wife a fellow police officer and her husband.... oh and I almost forgot to mention the Mr. Clean man in all of his balding glory all made an appearance in my dream. I won't get into the details because this story would be much too long and I'm sure you all have things to do today.

Anyhoo, my girlfriend Michelle was on the other end of the phone apologizing for the early morning phone call and would I like to go garage saling. After a long pause and finally getting my head straight I agreed it would be a dandy idea. The weather here has been less than enjoyable, we've had day after day of rain and storms making people here in the Wilderness City a bit melancholy. So Garage saling seemed like a good way to get out and about to see and talk to people...besides deals always make me giddy.

All in all it was a wonderful morning...lots of laughs and a delicious breakfast at the Central made for a great start to a saturday.

If you want to see pics of some of the deals I found take a peek back tomorrow:)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beach House Lovelies SOLD

I was inspired to make this bracelet after seeing a beautiful picture of a beach house on the the calming colors and the elegance of the pearls.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Vintage Buttons

I'm such a lucky together with my girlfriends for rumoli night last night. When I say I'm a lucky girl you're probably thinking I won BIG at cards but I'm sad to report that as usual my bag of nickles was almost empty by the end of the night. So why am I so lucky? My lovely, beautiful, thoughtful girlfriends surprised me with jars of vintage buttons. As you can well imagine I was in heaven going through those old buttons. There are so many pretty designs and colours...I can't wait to get started in on making them each a piece of unique jewelry. Lucky me...I have beautiful friends and some beautiful buttons!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Romance Jewelry

I was feelin' the romance this weekend and felt like making something with a bit of old world flare. Eat your heart out Fred Astaire...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A quote by Romare Howard Bearden

Practically all great artists accept the influence of others. But... the artist with vision... by integrating what he has learned with his own experiences... molds something distinctly personal.

Love true!