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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Friday, September 4, 2009

Liberty Freedom Joy Unity Strength SOLD

I hope you like my pretty little choker. As with many of my other pieces I've added a simple button , a silver charm and link salvaged from an old watch to add charm and pretty up the simple link chain. As you know I'm a fan of pairing pearls and silver together...the raw pearl and silver heart charm with a pendant that reads Liberty, Freedom, Joy, Unity and Strength all seemed to just fit together.


Esther said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Joella!! j'adore!! very pure, simple but beautiful!! buttongirl.. !! tht's what you are!! and a very kind message for this necklace!! bravo encore!!

stregata said...

Lovely piece - I have a passion for buttons...

sharon said...

Very very pretty!

SummersStudio said...

It's lovely! Really like that watch link idea. How clever.

jeweledrabbit said...

Very pretty.