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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pretty Mixed Media Collage Art (SOLD)

These are three fun pieces I completed this past weekend!   My family was away and I wanted to play with my paints:)  I'm hoping to get a few more like these done by April as I'll be offering a Mixed Media Collage Workshop at the Naked North Gallery and Gifts.   At this workshop I will be bringing together a variety of mixed media and papercrafting techniques including collage, rubber stamping, and embellishing. The creative possibilities are endless! At the end of the workshop each participant will have a completed 8x10 piece of art to take home with them.  Beginner and advanced crafters are welcome. I'm hoping this class will inspire my students to create their own multi-dimensional art that is reflective of thier moods, thoughts and life.


gypsiegirlsilver said...

My wonderful friend Tara bought me your "Believe"...believe looks just Beautiful in my home!!! love ya! gypsiegirlsilver

Joella said...

Tara has such a beautiful spirit. I'm glad she found an equally beautiful spirit to give my painting to. Enjoy :)

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