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Mixed Media Artist

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nothing Like a Hand Written Letter

I don't know about you but when I sell a painting to someone I like knowing that the person who's buying it will cherish it as much as I do. After reading Pamela's letter I know it's gone to a good home.
Pamela was travelling through our Wilderness City and stopped in at the Naked North Gallery this summer on her way home from a camping trip with her family. She spotted one of my collages and fell in love with it. When she got home she found the perfect spot for it in her home and called me last week to have it shipped to her home in Thunder Bay. I received this lovely letter along with her cheque neatly tucked inside. Thanks Pamela :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...isn't it lovely when someone 'gets' your work and has sincere appreciation for what you do? how wonderful! :) i love the fact that you create in different media! i am not alone! ;) jan