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Mixed Media Artist

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wire Wrapped Jewelry

My wire wrapped rings have taken off really well at the Naked North Gallery and I've been having such fun putting them together. All my pieces are tarnish resistant and can be made to fit any size and in any colour.
This romantic pearl necklace is made from gunmetal components and wire. Gunmetal is a new favorite of mine. I've always been partial to anything vintage and this finish gives my pieces the old world feel we all love.  SOLD


Esther said...

beautiful Joella!!! rings are so pretties and the big necklace... stunting!!!

Lisa Crone said...

Wow, no wonder, your rings are so cute, artsy and whimsical all at the same time! Nice style! AND that necklace is so great too, i love the openness of it! Cool!

Joella said...

LOL...I hope you meant stunning Ester and thanks Lisa I have so much fun making these. I love the freeness of the wire...the posibilites are endless.