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Friday, February 18, 2011

Spicy Textured Polymer Clay Beads

I've had some polymer clay laying around for sometime and decided to pull it out and play with it. I made  these beads specially for my Mala bracelets, after searching and searching here in town for natural looking beads in the right size and shape and having no luck, I decided to make my own.  After a little experimenting with organic textures and colours I was pleasantly surprised at how beautifully they turned out, so warm and natural looking, perfect for my Meditation Malas.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hand Turned Exotic Wood Ornaments

For my 39th birthday, my sister Kerry and her husband, Ed gave me this beautiful hand turned wood ornament.  My brother in-law Ed, works with all kinds of wonderful exotic woods and had been saving this particular piece for awhile and was not quite sure what he wanted to transform it into.

 I've always loved receiving handmade gifts and so he and my sister decided on one of these beautiful ornaments, made especially for me in mind.

Little did he know, there was a little something very special ingrained in the wood, something that would have significant meaning when it was uncovered.

Look very you see it?  Do you see the bear paw print?  When I opened this lovingly and thoughtfully made gift I was near tears.  You see, I work as a Team Leader for victim services with 16 volunteers working under me.  One of those volunteers, whom is not longer with us, always called me mama bear.  She said I was like a mama bear watching over her cubs, my volunteers.

 I did a little research on what the Bear Paw symbolises and found in many cultures it stands for power, direction and connection to creator. 

I believe there are no coincidences in life and that everything happens for a reason.  Ed chose this piece of wood for me without knowing the significance behind it.  Chance?  I think not.

If you're interested in purchasing one of Ed's hand turned ornaments you can email him at or visit his website

Each handmade wooden ornament has its own distinctive warmth and beauty. In the talented hands of my brother-in-law, each individual unrepeated turn differentiates each ornament from the next, producing a lasting heirloom.
Many people keep some of the best and most expensive ornaments they have as keepsakes and collectibles and even pass them down in their families as heirlooms to enjoyed year after year.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mala Meditation Bracelet

A Mala Meditation Bracelet is a string of beads used to count mantras (Sanskrit prayers) in sets of 18, 21, 27, 54 or 108 repetitions.  This Mala has 21 6mm and 8mm One Artsy Chick clay beads.  These handmade beads have been strung on silk chocolate brown embroidery thread, with adjustable slipknot with glass bead tassel enclosure.

The Police Wife Life, An Urgent Cry For The Support of Law Enforcement Officers, by Melissa Littles

The Police Wife Life, An Urgent Cry For The Support of Law Enforcement Officers, by Melissa Littles This article hit home and is a worry for all of us who are husbands and wives of police officers.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Little Luxury just for Me...from Me!!!

The girly girl in me couldn't help herself, I first saw this soap displayed at a local pharmacy back in December and i just could not get the gorgeous scent out of my mind! I knew I had to have it but thought I should wait until after Christmas, you know how that is.  Well it's February and I finally decided to treat myself.  There were four different scents and they were all so divine.  It was hard choosing just one.  I would loved to have purchased all of them but they are a luxury soap and each bar retails for $8.99.  Well worth it I'm sure.

After quite some time, I finally settled on the ROYAL LILY AND NARCISSUS  (Giglio del Granducato e Narciso).  It's fragrance of the white velvet petals intertwine with the sensuous scent of Narcissus is just heavenly.

I would love to try the others...I'm hoping Nest Dante will send me a few of their products to review on my blog and my twitter!  I'll let you know what happens !!!

Anyhoo, it's time for me to go.  I've got the bath water is running, candles lit and a glass or red wine waiting, soon I'll know just how luxurious this soap really is!  Stay tuned for updates!!!