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Mixed Media Artist

Mixed Media Artist

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Vintage Paris Dress Form

I've been looking for a dress form for forever, so when I opened my HTML one morning last month, to find a lovely lady's email saying she had one to give away, I felt like I had won the lottery! "She doesn't look like much, she's old and has a bit of a lean to her" the woman said.  "Are you sure you don't want anything for her" I ask. "I'm sure, just promise me you'll bring pictures of her when you're done refinishing her".   

The second I saw her my heart was bursting with joy.  I could not believe my luck!  

With a little muscle and a lot of determination, I finally managed to get all of the lavender covering off of her.  I liked the look of the paper form beneath but I had been inspired by a tutorial I had seen a year ago and a vision that I had long since wanted to bring to life... 
and here she is, my lovely vintage dress form.   After gathering old sheets of music and pages torn from old books to cover her bodice...

I then decided to apply the Paris inspired vintage images I had fallen in love with over the years...
and after the mod podge had dried I antiqued her by applying a coat Minwax Wood Finish to give her a warm aged look. beautiful she has turned out! Having something so lovely to displaying my scarves and jewelry on makes her that much more special to me. 

It all starts with a vision and a little inspiration!  I hope I've inspired you to bring your vision to life!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mixed Media Art Doll -Love

I've been wanting to make this little lovely for some time now, but didn't have quite all the pieces  needed to put her together.  Yesterday I came across some miniature tins that instantly sparked my interest and so my idea has finally came life. 
  She's made of pearls, seed beads, a miniature spice tin and wire embellished with a gold pendant that reads 'Love'.  I would like to keep her but will be putting her up for sale soon. 

Stay tuned for more like her.  Each piece will be one of a kind and unique.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Wool Wrap and Necklace - Statement Pieces

 Last week I was getting ready for work, pulled out my black turtleneck and felt it was in need of a little zing.

After searching through my endless supply of scarves I settled upon one I had worn a million times... 'settled' is the key word here. Don't get me wrong, I like scarves as much as the next girl but I wanted something a little different more creative. Well my friends, the best part about being crafty is there's no limit to what one can create and this past weekend, that's exactly what I did.
This piece is made of wool...yes wool!!!  A lovely steel grey wool in fact!  To create this little lovely, I practiced the lost art of finger knitting, something my grandma taught me as a child.  
 The grey tassels and looped yarn have been tied here and there to add interest.  
 I've added this necklace, made with purple glass beads that have been strung and knotted in the same wool.  Don't they make a beautiful pair?

In the picture above the wrap has been looped around the neck twice but for can also be wrapped once shown below.

Beautiful any way you wear it!
Both pieces sold separately. 
Wool Wrap $34.95
Wool Glass Bead Necklace $19.95
 Custom orders welcome!