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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happiness = Wanting What We Have

November 21, 2008
If the economy fails, will our hopes, our dreams, our sense of well-being disapear? I like to think not.The loss of a job or a loved one, are two of the most devastating things one could face. Experiencing one of these could be the cause of serious unhappiness.
Our country is facing a financial crisis which is leading people to feel insecure and nervous about their futures.I feel that happiness is not a matter of chance. Most of us have experienced loss and have felt the pain. But humans are remarkably resilient and soon we realize that with time our happiness and sense of success and satisfaction have little to do with the economy and the size of our paychecks.
I've never really believed that money can bring true happiness, I think back to my grandparents who had so little but yet seemed to have so much happiness in their lives. They had a wealth of friends and their house was alway filled with laughter and the smell of my grandmas baking. Our Christmas gifts were always handmade, as money was tight and they couldn't afford to give us gifts bought from the store. My memories of those years growing up are my most happy ones. It's not the gifts that hold a special place in my heart, it's the memories of my extended family sitting around singing Christmas carols in my grandparents tiny livingroom.Don't get me wrong, I do believe that the absence of money can make people miserable. Once we find ourselves living above the poverty level, more money leads to very small gains in happiness. And still people think they'll be happier if only they could make an extra few dollars an hour. When we finally get that raise in pay, we realize it's like a brief sugar-high that doesn't last. I've found that comparing myself to others in terms of income, only make myself and those around me miserable.
People may work very hard to be able to buy a big expensive house that for a short while makes them feel a sense of pride. But before long, it's just a house with four walls and The soon realized it's the collection of memories made there with the people that matter to them that make it home.
I've spoke with others and they feel the same way as I , when you are giving to your community or pursuing personal growth, our happiness levels are at a high. It's our relationships with family, friends and even our pets that are so much more important to our feelings of happiness. So much more than money or material things.
I disagree with the idea that one can measure the quality of life with one's standard of living.
My grandparents and many like them chose to simplify their lives. They weren't consumed by what the Jone's next door had and they were quite happy, Happier than the neighbour down the street who chose to go in the other direction.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that a harsher, even shakey, economic climate may bring all of us opportunities for personal growth and increased happiness — if we make the right choices.
You can go down town and dream of having more useless material things, or you can get your dog, take a walk in the woods and just appreciate the wonders of the world around you. Spend time with the people who matter most to you.
You'll be happier, and those you give your love and attention to will be happier too. A big part of happiness is learning to want what you have and not what you don't.

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