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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yummy Custard Strawberry Tarts

I've invited my daughter Emma's friend, miss Darian for dinner tonight.  She's a sweet girl and forever making my Emma laugh... music to my ears :) I've made these especially yummy tarts for the occasion.  Hope she enjoys the tarts as much as we enjoy her company. xooxoxox   

1 pkg Tenderflake Tart Shells

2 egg yolks

¼ cup (50ml) sugar

3 tbsp corn starch

1 cup (250ml) whole milk

2 tsp (10ml) vanilla extract

Freshly sliced strawberries


12 Bake tart shells in oven for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.

To make custard: In medium bowl, whisk egg yolks, sugar and corn starch until thick and pale; heat milk in saucepan until almost boiling; remove from heat. Slowly dribble hot milk into egg mixture, whisking continuously, until all of milk has been added. Return custard to pot and cook, over medium-low heat, until custard has thickened.

Spoon custard into baked  tart shells and smooth. Place sliced strawberries attractively over tart.  Serve with whipped cream.  YUMMMMMMMY    Refrigerate any leftovers.


Nic Hohn said...

These look delicious....only there would be no left overs at our place.

Unknown said...

Oh Joella,

Thanks for sharing, these look soo good and I've got strawberries growing in my backyard! I have an Emma too! We have good taste in names. Hope you had a great weekend. :)

Janet, Acts of Sweetness Ambassador said...

Thats so cute of you to do for your daughter's friend! A real Act of Sweetness. We would love for you to share more with us online with our baking community.

Anonymous said...

They sound delicious, I hope they loved them. I think I might make them too, thanks for the recipe..